Monday, November 9, 2009


Paraguay had been involved in territory, boundary, and tariff disputes for years with their neighbors Argentina and Brazil. When Brazil aided Uruguay in an oust of Paraguay, the Paraguayan leader Francisco Solano López, declared war on Brazil. Though Argentina was not directly involved with this conflict, they took it upon themselves to make an alliance with Brazil and Uraguay. This alliance is known as the Triple Alliance.
The national hero of this war was Bartolome Mitre. Mitre was the president of Arentina at the time of the war. He successfully lead his troops into Paraguay. It was not until 1868 was Mitre replaced of his comand.
The war ended with The Triple Alliance overthrowing Paraguay. Though Lopez had successfully invaded Brazil, his attempt at Paraguay was a disaster. He was forced to withdraw and was eventually killed.
The U.S had no involvement or part in this war

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