Monday, November 9, 2009

Argentina Representative

Though this picture does not represent a specific person, to me it can represent Argentina in huge way. The style of dance "Tango" originates in Argentina and is now performed and taught all over the world.

Outsanding citizen

One citizen who should out to me was Carlos Saavedra Lamas. Not only did Carlos win the Nobel Prize in 1936 but he was in fact the first person in Latin America to be rewared one. Carlos was given the Nobel Prize for Peace because of his leadership in being a mediator in the Bolivia and Paraguay conflict.
What i found interesting about Argentina's dedication to Mary was the true name of their capital city. Buenos Aires or should i say "Ciudad de la Santissima Trinidad y puerto de Santa Maria de los Buenos Aires", which means, "City of the Holy Trinity and Seaport of Our Lady of Good Air"

Another city in Argentina, in fact the second largest is named Rosario. This name is derived from "Our Lady of the Rosary"

Knowing this i feel that it is safe to say that both of these cities are sanctuaries for Mary.


Argentina has various names for Mary as a patroness. These include
  • Our Lady of Lujan in the East,
  • Our Lady of the Valley in the North
  • The Virgin of Itati on the sea coast.

"Our Lady of Lujan"


Paraguay had been involved in territory, boundary, and tariff disputes for years with their neighbors Argentina and Brazil. When Brazil aided Uruguay in an oust of Paraguay, the Paraguayan leader Francisco Solano López, declared war on Brazil. Though Argentina was not directly involved with this conflict, they took it upon themselves to make an alliance with Brazil and Uraguay. This alliance is known as the Triple Alliance.
The national hero of this war was Bartolome Mitre. Mitre was the president of Arentina at the time of the war. He successfully lead his troops into Paraguay. It was not until 1868 was Mitre replaced of his comand.
The war ended with The Triple Alliance overthrowing Paraguay. Though Lopez had successfully invaded Brazil, his attempt at Paraguay was a disaster. He was forced to withdraw and was eventually killed.
The U.S had no involvement or part in this war


After Argentina had gained their indepenence from Spain in 1818, there next war was not until 46 years later. The Paraguayan War also called WAR OF THE TRIPLE ALLIANCE, was the next major conflict Argentina was involved in.