Friday, September 18, 2009

Argentina News

Argentina News

News from the capital Buenos Aires. This is a link to the Buenos Aires Herold.

Argentina National Anthem

National Anthem

Spanish lyrics

English translation
Oíd, mortales, el grito sagrado:

"¡Libertad, libertad, libertad!"
Oíd el ruido de rotas cadenas,
ved en trono a la noble igualdad.

Ya su trono dignísimo abrieron
las Provincias Unidas del Sud
y los libres del mundo responden:
"Al gran pueblo argentino, ¡Salud!"
"Al gran pueblo argentino, ¡Salud!"
Y los libres del mundo responden:
"Al gran pueblo argentino, ¡Salud!"
Y los libres del mundo responden:
"Al gran pueblo argentino, ¡Salud!"

Hear, mortals, the sacred cry:

"Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!"
Hear the noise of broken chains,
see the noble Equality enthroned.

Their most honorable throne have opened
the United Provinces of the South.
And the free ones of the world reply:
"To the Argentine people, Hail!"
"To the Argentine people, Hail!"
And the free ones of the world reply:
"To the Argentine people, Hail!"
And the free ones of the world reply:
"To the Argentine people, Hail!"


Sean eternos los laureles
que supimos conseguir,
que supimos conseguir.
Coronados de gloria vivamos...
¡o juremos con gloria morir!,
¡o juremos con gloria morir!,
¡o juremos con gloria morir!


May the laurels be eternal
the ones we managed to win,
the ones we managed to win.
Let us live crowned in glory...
or let us swear in glory to die!
Or let us swear in glory to die!
Or let us swear in glory to die!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Name and Holiday

The official Name of my country is Republica Argentina.
The national Holiday is October 30th.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Blogging Purposes

My name is Greg Lucas, and I am posting a blog on Argentina for ongoing school research. I am researching Argentina and the history, culture, government, and traditions of the country.